Kathryn Mills

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A Material of Many Uses

How many ways can you think of to use glass? The obvious answers are in windows, in mirrors, and to make glasses. Of course, glass has so many other uses. Fiberglass cables, which are made from fine shreds of glass, can be used to transmit information. Thicker sheets of fiberglass are used as insulation. Plus, glass can be used to make decorative sculptures, scientific instruments, thermometers, and even marbles. The possibilities are endless, and surely in the future, people will think of even more uses for glass. We hope to honor the versatility of glass by providing an array of articles on this website.


Why Driving With A Damaged Windshield Can Be Exceptionally Dangerous

25 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Most people recognize driving as quite a dangerous activity even at the best of times, with tens of thousands of people losing their lives on the road each year. However, when it comes to your own car, many people are quite easy to dismiss problems that they see as small or ones they can work around because they trust their own abilities. You may not understand the risks you take when you drive with even minor issues. Read More …

5 Reasons To Consider Commercial Glass Replacement

9 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Well-maintained commercial glass can give clients a positive first impression of your business. However, over time, your commercial glass may start to develop problems. Repairing might work for some time, but you should replace the glass after several repairs. Here are five reasons to consider commercial glass replacement. 1. Reduce Energy Bills When glass gets old, it might lose its insulation properties. This means that it tends to lose cool air quickly and allow heat to pass through. Read More …

Choosing The Safest Glass for Your Business

15 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When choosing glass for installation in your business, you need something that will provide strength and security not only for you and your employees, but for your customers as well. Two common types of safety glass used in commercial glass installation are tempered glass and laminated glass. Here are the major advantages and disadvantages of both. Tempered Glass Advantages Tempered glass has been treated or "tempered" through a high heat process to add increased strength to the glass. Read More …

A New Bathroom Mirror Could Make It Easier For Grooming While Brightening Your Bathroom

14 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you use your bathroom mirror for grooming every morning, then good lighting and a big mirror are essential. If you just have a small mirror on a medicine cabinet, you can't see yourself very well. A large frameless mirror might be a good choice. In addition to a better view for grooming, a big mirror reflects light and makes your bathroom look brighter. Here are some tips for installing a new frameless mirror in your bathroom. Read More …

Responding To Your Business’s Broken Window

19 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

A broken window can be a significant problem for almost any business, and it is a reality that many businesses will eventually need to address this type of damage. As a result, if you own or manage a business, you should have a plan in place for how to handle broken windows so that you will not be caught off-guard by this problem. Safely Clean Any Debris From The Floor Read More …