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A Material of Many Uses

How many ways can you think of to use glass? The obvious answers are in windows, in mirrors, and to make glasses. Of course, glass has so many other uses. Fiberglass cables, which are made from fine shreds of glass, can be used to transmit information. Thicker sheets of fiberglass are used as insulation. Plus, glass can be used to make decorative sculptures, scientific instruments, thermometers, and even marbles. The possibilities are endless, and surely in the future, people will think of even more uses for glass. We hope to honor the versatility of glass by providing an array of articles on this website.


Having Your Home’s Windows Tinted

24 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Tinting the windows of a home is an option that should not be overlooked for those wanting to improve the comfort of their home or enjoy other benefits. Yet, most individuals may be more familiar with glass tinting on automobiles, which can leave them poorly equipped to evaluate whether tinting their windows will be a good solution. How Can Window Tints Protect Your Home's Floors? An unexpected benefit of having your home's windows tinted will be that it can help to reduce wear on the floors. Read More …

3 Ways to Protect Your Windshield from Damage While on the Road

22 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When you are driving on the road, there are steps you can take to minimize the chance of your windshield getting damaged. Although you can't completely guarantee your windshield will not get damaged, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of damage while driving. #1: Give Yourself Space There is no reason for you to drive right up against another vehicle. You don't need to tailgate anyone to get where you need to go. Read More …

Spring Maintenance For Your Windows

14 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The windows in your home are an important part of the building. Proper window maintenance will help ensure that your windows don't contribute to heat transfer, which can cause energy loss and increase your monthly utility costs. Spring is the perfect time to give your windows a thorough inspection and repair any damage sustained during the harsh winter months. Seal Air Leaks Residential windows can develop air leaks over time. These air leaks allow heat transfer between your home's interior and the outside environment. Read More …